catastropheness Jun 12, 2008 13:10
event: storm, al bhed is the mother tongue, lmfao good luck with that, but it was totally worth it, guhhh school sucks, kairi-bb let's hang out, idk either guys, wtf man wtf, mr. dean says no obscenity~, lmfao she's such a dork
catastropheness May 26, 2008 21:19
yea i'll get back to you on that, ew algebra is messy, al bhed is the mother tongue, makubex is her study-buddy, but it was totally worth it, guhhh school sucks, yummy yummy gippal, wtf man wtf, lmfao she's such a dork
catastropheness May 22, 2008 06:54
chemistry = fancy for blowing stuff up, yea i'll get back to you on that, guhhh school sucks, al bhed is the mother tongue, wtf man wtf, lmfao she's such a dork
catastropheness May 14, 2008 17:40
yea i'll get back to you on that, guhhh school sucks, al bhed is the mother tongue, wtf man wtf, here have some jailbait, cursing aeons = ♥